Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do you hate Hillary Clinton?

My good friend Sharp recently mentioned an article in Christianity Today entitled, "Hating Hillary". In the editorial, the author equates jokes, marketing, and satire with personal hate. I think it is possible as a Christian to love someone, especially a public figure, while at the same time making fun of their politics or persona. God has called us to love our enemies, not to like them.

Franky, in some ways, she is my enemy. She is a politician who actively promotes things that are adverse and offensive to my world view as a Christian. This is not only true on economic issues, upon which many Christians can have honest disagreement. It is mainly true on social issues. God is not a Republican, but I believe with my whole heart that He is pro life. I also do not believe that He is for gay "marriage" either. Everything I have read in the Bible tells me this is so. I could go into many more issues.

This article accuses some Christians of using Hillary's status as an "enemy" in order to create "a feeling of mutuality among those with whom we share dislike. The factions created around enemies may even bear a far-off resemblance to true community." I disagree strongly. I know of no such organization, formal or informal. I think we already have communities of evangelicals, called churches, whose membership is usually fairly like-minded in their world views. Senator Clinton came along later, spouting views that are diametrically opposed to those views.

The article goes on to say that, "vitriolic language directed at political figures does not, to use the Pauline metaphor, attract others with 'the aroma of Christ.'" Of course not! It is not designed to do that. Does cheering at a football game, singing at a concert, or laughing at a play attract others to Christ? Probably not, but I think that activity is permissible!

I believe God calls our politicians to be honest, especially those who claim to be Christian. I believe He calls them to take a strong stand for eternal moral truths that are contained in the Bible. I believe that He expects politicians to look at their office as an opportunity to serve, not as a grab for personal power. Everything I have seen, heard, and read tells me that Hillary Clinton does not even attempt to meet these high standards. No one can be perfect, but I at least want a President that understands the importance of these things and makes a valiant attempt to live up to these ideals.

I don't hate Senator Clinton. I just hate what she represents. And I hate the way she represents it. I think most evangelicals hate those things, but not her as a human being. I think the vast majority can make that distinction. Hating sin and hating her ideas does not equate to hating her.

I hate the fact that she lied about her trip to Bosnia. She said it proves she is "human." I say it is yet another in a mile long string of lies. But way more than that I hate the way she "lies" about how her ideas will help this country. She has not shown how socialized medicine will work here. She makes outlandish claims about crises that we are not having. If one does not agree with her socialist/liberal agenda, she seems to treat them like an ignorant backwoods snake handler.

I hate the fact that she sends her daughter out to campaign and work for her and then whine that she is asked tough questions. Tuesday Chelsea Clinton was asked whether her mother's credibility had been hurt during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. She replied, "I do not think that is any of your business." I think that it is. I think questions about a candidate's credibility are very much our business. They are wanting us to "hire" them, right? If Chelsea can't handle the heat, she should stay out of the kitchen. I would. To me, if you want to lead the free world, or campaign for someone who does, then put up with it or shut up.

Most of all, I hate her support for abortion on demand. Is it all right as a Christian to hate abortion, lack of personal responsibility in leaders, condescension, socialism, liberalism, and lying? Sure it is! These are moral issues, ideas and character traits, not people.

Finally, we are told in this article that the most courageous thing we could do this year is love Hillary. I already do that, and it takes little or no courage. I want Senator Clinton to know Christ as her Savior and Lord. I want her to be blessed personally and professionally as she does that.

The most courageous thing we could do as Christians this election season is take a firm stand for eternal moral truths. We should write about them, talk about them, and live them out. We should even do it if (in so doing) we are branded as haters by others. That is courage!


Sharp said...

I guess I got something completely different out of that article. As I said in my blog, showing class does not equal surrender.

The author didn't say not to criticize her. He just said don't be mean-spirited, hateful, and ugly about it. I can call her out on lying and question her policies all day long. In fact, as a citizen, I'd better! But making cartoons of her with horns and fangs or calling her a witch (or anything that rhymes with it) is not constructive at all.

We sowed a lot of such ugliness during the Clinton administration and the radical left has dumped the harvest in our lap the past seven years, calling President Bush "Chimp in Chief" and "Dumbya" and characterizing him as the stupidest and most bloodthirsty man on the planet. We point at that and ask "Why do they hate him so much?" because such activity is evidence of hate. Is that acceptable? Do we really want to perpetuate that cycle?

If she were to win in November, I'd be terrified not only by some of her politics but also by the bile and filth that would be poured out in response.

Sharp said...

BTW, I think you'll like today's entry at Carry A Big Stick.

Mike Wilhelm said...

I think we did get different things out of it. I got the impression that mocking or making fun was being equated to hatred. It may be immature, but it isn't necessarily the same as hatred.

I did like your post!

Ali said...

OK, so I'm not inot politics, certainly not American politics, but I got this through email this week and thought you might appreciate it:

No offence intended ...

Mike Wilhelm said...

Ali...that was funny!

Melissa said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Thank goodness she didn't win the dem nomination. Obama still represents things I find appalling, and I'd never vte for him either, but he don't rub me as sorely as Hillary. By the way, I don't know how close you are to Gulf Shores, but I love that place. In my heart, it is my second home and I so miss it after not having been there in 3 years. I was there every summer growing up.

Mike Wilhelm said...

Melissa, thank you so very much for your comments. Unfortunately I live too far from Gulf Shores to visit as often as I would prefer. I am about 300 mikes north of there in North Alabama. It is a wonderful area.