Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Those Crazy Kids...

Matt changed schools this year and told me it was good because all of the girls at his old school wouldn't leave him alone. They were always trying to hug him and be his girlfriend, he said. He claimed not to like it, but I think I know differently! Matt is outgoing and has a bubbly personality. Joe is quiet, very intelligent, and usually even tempered. David is opinionated, sometimes argumentative, and deeply into sports and music. He is also very tender-hearted and thoughtful of others. They are all so much fun to be with.

Matt told me the other day that I couldn't get married again (I don't have a clue what brought that up). Anyway, I asked him why he said that I couldn't get married. He said it was because he didn't want any more brothers or sisters. He said that the girls (from his mom's relationsips) get on his nerves all the time. I asked him if it would be ok for me to get married if the lady had boys or no children at all. He said boys would be probably be ok, as long as they were younger than him and that it would be better if she didn't have any children at all. I'm thinking, "Thanks a lot Matt! You just narrowed what is already a very small field!"


Sharp said...

Ha! That is priceless. I love it. Next he'll say the boys will have to like the same ball teams he does.

Mike Wilhelm said...

Oh, well. It feels great to be needed anyway!