Sunday, May 14, 2006


Tonight I watched a documentary about the Titanic on The History Channel with my Dad. The main theme of this show was a dive conducted in 2005 which attempted to obtain documented evidence that the ship was not only damaged on its side by an iceberg, but also from beneath. I am not well-versed on the history of the Titanic, but this show was interesting. I found myself more interested in the actual history of the event, though, than the search for new evidence by the divers. It was interesting to listen to the interviews with the survivors. Approximately 2200 people were on the Titanic and only 700 survived. I think one of the biggest lessons learned, or should I say reinforced, by the sinking of the Titanic, was that we humans have a tendency toward arrogance. The Titanic was supposed to be unsinkable. When it comes to nature and its forces we are extremely vulnerable, especially if we are not wise enough to know our limitations and take adequate safety precautions.

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