Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Blood From a Turnip

First a disclaimer: None of the following events are necessarily real. But they may be, since I was in court tonight until 6:30 p.m.

What do you do with a person who has 6 children by four different women in two different counties? What if he has four separate orders to pay child support totaling $1008 per month (which includes both current and arrears payments), but his gross income is $1300 per month?

If you don't know the answer, join the club. We had a judge, two attorneys, a caseworker, and supervisor try to figure this one out and none of us had an answer. I am guessing that we had a combined 115 years of experience.

The good news is that the guy is paying most of what he owes.

I just post this to give those of you who live a sheltered life a tiny glimpse into the cesspool into which our culture has devolved.

I wont even go into the case involving an illegal alien mother on welfare with six children and even mre alleged fathers!

Lord have mercy!

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