Wednesday, February 21, 2007

This Weekend

Last Thursday Joe helped me cook and we all did some house cleaning and played some games. Joe submitted our weather watcher report to James Spann. I have been teaching the boys how to do certain tasks on the computer. After that he complained about his stomach hurting when we went to bed. Well, during the middle of the night le lost his supper on two separate occasions. He was so brave and good about it. You just hate to see your child go through that.

The boys didn't have school Friday, so I stayed home with them and took care of Joe. He gradually got better over the weekend. He was just unusually low on energy. We spent some quality time visiting my parents. We watched Alabama defeat Kentucky with my Dad, played Monopoly, watched Star Wars III, and played football at the park in the snow flurries. Since I was off on Monday, we got to spend Sunday night in Huntsville. My Mom made spaghetti, which is always awesome. Saturday night she made hamburgers and macaroni and cheese.

Now it's back to the work grind.

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