Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Where Have the Days Gone? (a.k.a. I'm Getting Old)

Yesterday in court a young attorney was in the courtroom asking if anyone had seen the judge's secretary. He was informed that the secretary was not in. As he was leaving the courtroom, he looked at me and said, "You look real familiar. What is your name?" I told him and he lit up like a Christmas tree. He said his name and I remembered him well. It all came together. I taught him seventh grade history back in 1992. I also went to the same church as his family. He reminded me that I took him to a Braves game versus the Cincinnatti Reds back in the summer of 92. He reminded me of how I lost my gas cap and used a rag to cover my gas pipe.

I had forgotten all of that! I remember him well in class as a very bright kid, but it amazed me that the thing he mentioned first was that he remembered me taking him to the game. It was good affirmation that I had given him a positive memory and maybe impacted his life in some small way. He graduated from college with a B.A. in history then went on to law school and now works for the D.A. That was so cool to me! The only problem is it makes me feel so old!


Sharp said...

That's quite a coincidence. Tonight at our ministry heads meeting, our pastor talked about the impact we can have if we invest small things in others lives. He asked us if we had any stories of someone coming up to us and sharing how we'd made an impression on them in the past. Looks like you have one!

Mike Wilhelm said...

Thanks, Johnny, for commenting. This 2 minute "event" made my week. Reminds me of "It's a Wonderful Life", just a little...

Tom said...

Influence is a powerful thing. God only knows all the peo-le we have influenced. Hopefully, for the good.

Mike Wilhelm said...

If we only knew...wow. I guess we may find out the good and bad when we go to heaven.